Wednesday, 20 February 2008


BORIS are back! BORIS likely never left us. They were probably just hiding behind vast swathes of guitar fuzz so distorted and delayed it acted is some kind of cloaking device. Fuck you, Romulans! Boris got ACTION!

Now check this action. It is hell of crunchy.

I'm pretty excited by all this. Message is pretty standard Boris fare, as is BUZZ-IN, but BUZZ-IN is some kind of concrete riff-bastard and weapons-grade awesome. I'm totally in love with Next Saturn, though. The switch from plaintive call and skittering beat to BORIS SMASH! is so satisfying.

Southern Lord are unleashing Smile on April 29th. I am excited. Of course, before then, I hope import copies of the Japanese release arrive over here, because I'd love to get it in this pretty packaing:

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